Emerson College i East Sussex i England søkjer etter programleiar for opplæringa til deira biodynamiske utdanning, der hovudoppgåva vil vere å leie og administrere denne utdanninga.
Emerson is an adult education institution based on the principles and philosophy of the School of Spiritual Science founded by Rudolf Steiner and renewed to meet the challenges of modern times and the world we live in. It provides a rich environment for personal, artistic and spiritual growth through education and human encounters for those people on a journey of experiential discovery and exploration.
The College offers a wide ranging programme of short and long term courses which create a diverse and dynamic community in which people can thrive and find the freedom to develop their full potential. It provides a home for an active and committed group of international students and a number of courses which are run independently. The courses – biodynamic organic agriculture and horticulture, storytelling, visual arts and sculpture, It’s My Life orientation course in Anthroposophy and the Healing Water Foundation, a centre of water research – are in the forefront of their fields and are fully integrated into the overall campus life.
For fullstendig utlysing av stillinga, sjå her: Emerson BD Training Programme